
Hello! My name is Mod and this is my original species, bolidae.
My main OCs are of this species! Since friends have expressed interest in the species i've worked to flesh them out and find a way to explain how others can make one for themselves, from their visual design to biology and stories.
On this site you can find everything about bolidae! I suggest visiting the design or biology section first after you've read the below. If you're interested in my canonical bolidae's original story, take a look at the lore page as well. If you want to find my socials, or the offical chibi bolidae picrew, go to links. Thank you for reading, and any more questions might be added to this page!
PS. This site is still under construction, so please don't mind the many temporary images, and expect to see changes over time!
Q. Where do bolidae come from? What counts as canonical?
A. Bolidae are an open original species that I first drew around 2019 in the form of my fursona Polymer. Bolidae were only named and defined as an original species years later, and made open in 2022. In the story they originate from contains the few canonical bolidae: Polymer, Silicone#002, Resin, and Silicone#001 (Sticks), and technically hundreds of unnamed background Silicone Soldiers. Any other bolidae made by me and not explicitly stated to be canon, or any bolidae made by others, are all noncanonical and not a part of their origin story. That's not to say you can't insert them into the canonical story, or make a Silicone Soldier, or Polymer if you want! It’d just be the equivalent of a fan work.
Q. What are bolidae?
A. Bolidae are based off of a combination of a cat and goat, with alien and horror elements. They are created and grown in labs, and released from their tube once matured. Intelligence and behavior-wise, they can vary from the equivalent of a feral wolf, to completely human; this applies to their ability to speak as well. They oftentimes have a specific biological ability or particular strength or weakness when made. Think like a mild superpower or special ability. I go more over how this works in the biology section!
Q. Do I need to buy bolidae or their traits when making one?
A. No! Bolidae are completely free to make. They have no common to rare traits or other features that need to be balanced out, nor any extra rare features that need to be bought. You’re limited only by your own imagination.
When it comes to making/having a bolidae OC, these are the rules to take into consideration when posting about them:
- Credit is not required when posting about bolidae. Although I love to be tagged in bolidae posts anyway, just to see what people make! If anyone asks about the species, that’s when you can direct them to me, otherwise it’s not required.
- When it comes to NSFW art, I have no objections to it being made of bolidae, just have common sense when posting it online and keep it in exclusively adult spaces.
- If you’ve made a bolidae with the Bolidae Builder picrew, you are free to edit the image as much as you’d like, given that either a. The watermark is retained and readable, or b. Credit or a link to the picrew is provided elsewhere in the post or profile if being used in your layout. So long as either of those stay true, they are also free to be used as icons or assets for other non-profit works as well. Other rules on the picrew are provided in the picrew’s description on-site here.